Friday 25 April 2014

EXP 2: Axonometric Draft/Preliminary Sketches

The sets of sketches below are very rough, preliminary drawings inspired by the two architects, Gaudi and Himmelblau and their architecture. 

The sketch below is inspired by this quote regarding Antoni Gaudi: 'A transcendent form which arouses faith, belief and hope'.

The sketches below are inspired by this quote regarding Coop Himmelblau: 'Structures are not fixed realities but shells for intervention'.

The sketches below are inspired by a quote concerning Coop Himmelblau: 'Plenum (a space completely filled with matter). Places of power'.

The sketches below have been created by the inspiration of Antoni Gaudi and the quote: 'Feeling of sequence, fragmented with holes and partitions, which create a enclosing it with  barriers'.