Sunday 30 March 2014

Stairs for the Developed Sketchup Model

Close-up Images of the three sets of stairs in the developed model.

This thick spiral staircase allows circulation from the datum to the uppermost ground, whilst passing the mezzanine level. The staircase is purposely very dense in order to reinforce the robust, sturdy appearance.

This set of stairs is much lighter than the one above. However, the height between each tread is larger in the stairs below, illustrating more 'power' than the stairs above as it establishes a hierarchy within the model. These stairs deliver individuals to and from the datum and lower studio. 

The stairs below lead to the above studio. They are primarily utilised for ease of delivery of motorcycle components and goods.
This set of stairs is very wide in comparison to the other sets of stairs and immediately evoke sturdiness. After each progressing tread, it is evident that the width of the treads are steadily decreasing, leading to a hierarchy-like appearance which illustrates a distribution of power.

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