Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Final Submission of the Experiment 2 Monument


"Not only does creativity bless materials and structures with emotion and expression, it also evokes power into architecture".

Below are five Fraps screenshots of my Google Sketchup Monument within a Lumion landscape:

1. The void space in the rectilinear component (shown in image below) triggers an emotional response in the viewer as it is an empty area in an otherwise full monument, leading us to question whether problems have occurred structurally. However, it is situated there as a lower meeting point for clients and guests.
The use of a dark texture on the walls of the void space highlights strength as black is commonly seen as a 'heavy' colour (as opposed to white, which is seen as 'light').

Therefore, this void space has been strategically placed in order to invoke a certain expression/question from viewers whilst also providing an aura of strength.

2. The slanted curvilinear element has been coated with a 'wave'-like texture and resemble ripples of water, which symbolise unison, relaxation and conjures a soothing aura. In the shot below, a miniature beach is situated at walking distance from the monument and this proximity emphasises the theme of ripples and hence, emotional freedom and relaxation.
Ripples are not only soothing however, they can also build up into colossal surges of great power. This notion is also evoked through the relationship between the curvilinear element, the textures on it and the beach setting.

3. From the shot below, the slanted surfboard-like object protrudes through the two cantilevered beams of the curvilinear component, providing a vital support for an otherwise shaky construction. This element justifies the electroliquid aggregation concept of creativity (of the object itself and its placement within the monument) whilst also conveying stability and power (through the reaction forces it provides on the beams).



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