Tuesday 24 June 2014

Progress for Experiment 3 University 24 June 2014 (Textures)

By this time, the core principles of the university have been solidified and essentially finalised, with only the textures and final furniture required. Today, the aim was to complete the 36 custom textures and apply them to the sketchup model. 

The series of images exhibit the logical placement of textures (both custom and pre-made) within various components of the structure.

The image above is a snapshot inside the library (top floor).

The image above is a sectional view of the mezzanine and the ground floor, showing the textures of the public and private spaces and how they vary.

The mezzanine and library floors have been textured similarly to indicate their purpose in the building: as quiet, private study areas.

The screenshot above shows the textures utilised on the main interior walls and flooring of the structure.

The walls which bear significance, such as the walls of the lecture theatre, studios, gallery and offices for staff (staff space shown above) have been textured distinctly different to the generic main walls to emphasise their importance to the structure and allows the visitor to distinguish key components.

The main walls are textured using linear, square-based patterns as shown above.

The two images below are a front elevation and a plan view respectively of the fully textured exterior.

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